
Upcoming Events
Monday 02/10/2025
Tuesday 02/11/2025
Bible Study - 6:30 pm
ACE Team Meeting - 7:00 pm
Wednesday 02/12/2025
Catechism Instruction 6th-8th Grade - 3:30 pm
Thursday 02/13/2025
Fuel for Moms - 7:45 am
Bible Study - 10:00 am
Friday 02/14/2025
Happy Valentines Day!
Saturday 02/15/2025
Worship - 6:00 pm
Sunday 02/16/2025
Worship - 8:00 am
Bible Study/Sunday School - 9:15 am
Worship - 10:30 am
Monday 02/17/2025
Tuesday 02/18/2025
Bible Study - 6:30 pm
Wednesday 02/19/2025
Catechism Instruction 6th-8th Grade - 3:30 pm
Thursday 02/20/2025
Fuel for Moms - 7:45 am
Bible Study - 10:00 am
Ladies Guild - 6:30 pm
Friday 02/21/2025
Saturday 02/22/2025
Worship w/Communion - 6:00 pm
Sunday 02/23/2025
Worship w/Communion - 8:00 am
Bible Study/Sunday School - 9:15 am
Worship w/Communion - 10:30 am

Saturday, February 15th @ 6:00 pm
Sunday, February 16th @ 8:00 am
Sunday, February 16th @ 10:30 am​
Saturday, February 22nd @ 6:00 pm
Sunday, February 23rd @ 8:00 am
Sunday, February 23rd @ 10:30 am
Info & Upcoming Events:​​​
20th Annual St. Lucas Women's Retreat:
The women of St. Lucas are cordially invited to our 20th annual Women’s Retreat to be held on Saturday, 3/1/25. The event will begin at 8:30 am and will be located within our Lutheran Grade School in Hoenecke Hall. There is a registration fee of $30 per person which includes lunch and all presentations.
· Young Womanhood -College, Career, and Kids! - Juli Hesse
· Say What? I'm an Older Woman? - Marilyn Sievert
· Later Life - Ron Szep
Click Here for a downloadable Brochure containing more information about the retreat and a registration form.
You can register by completing and turning in the registration form in the brochure with your payment, or you can register and pay online via the link below:
All online and paper registration for the event, alone with payment, are due by Tuesday, 2/18/25.
St. Lucas Spring Gala:
Our school’s PTO will be hosting their annual spring Gala, Boots & Blue Jeans Ball, on Thursday 3/13/25 at Foundry 45. Dinner will be from 5 pm – 7 pm, with live music after 7 pm. Enjoy a down home southern dinner catered by The Antidote, then kick back and enjoy some music performed by FM Rodeo. Participate in the silent auction and raffle to win some amazing items donated by individuals and businesses within our community. All proceeds from the Gala will go to purchasing new playground
equipment for the school. Tickets cost $50 per person.
Click Here to visit the website for the Gala and purchase your tickets.
DONATIONS NEEDED – The St. Lucas PTO is looking for help in obtaining donations for the silent auction and raffle. If you or anyone you know would be able to donate items or services, it would be greatly appreciated! Donations from area small businesses are fantastic, but individual donations are most definitely appreciated as well. No donation is too small, as smaller items, gift cards, etc. can be bundled together in baskets. Some ideas of small business who may want to donate are hair salons/spas, local shops/restaurants, grocery stores, pet groomers/veterinary offices, local farmers, bakeries, auto shops, or anywhere else you may frequent or have a relationship with a small business owner.
For questions, or to submit donations, please contact Liz Dreher (262-923-0241) or Jenell Enright (608-669-3190 / jenellenright@gmail.com).
Opportunities to Serve:
Time & Talents:
It's a blessing to be able to share our time and talents in service to others. If you wish to serve in some capacity but are unsure of how, or what needs we may have, please contact Church/School Secretary, Jana Baumann, by email at
church@stlucaswels.org or by phone Tuesday - Friday from 7 am - 12 pm at (262) 626-2680. She can discuss with you the areas in which you might like to serve and what talents/skills you would like to share. If there isn't something imediately available for you to help out with, she can keep your information to contact you when an opportunity to serve arises that you may enjoy.
Upcoming Services
Video Recordings of Weekend Worship
Even though we have permission to reopen for worship we understand if some individuals will make the choice to remain at home to protect their health. We will continue to provide a video recording of each weekend's service along with a copy of the service folder. You may find these archived resources by clicking here.
Continuing Ministry Support
We also encourage you to continue to remember your church in our prayers and with your offerings. Your continued financial support of our ongoing ministry will be very important as we anticipate lower church attendance. You may mail in your offerings or if you are not already signed up for secure automatic giving from your checking account, savings account or credit card, you may call the office to sign up or sign up for automatic giving by clicking here.
Compelled by the love of Christ, we strive to make disciples for Jesus Christ through faithful use of the means of grace. Those means are God’s Word of Law and Gospel, Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper.
St. Lucas is proud to be a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.
Click here for more information regarding the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.