Forward Capital Campaign
St. Lucas Church is committed to moving forward as a congregation that is "always inviting, always edifying and always equipping." A new church building will help us realize this vision. In the next few years, with the Lord's blessing, we will move into a new worship facility, where we will gather around the Word and Sacraments, join in fellowship, and reach out to our community
New Fly Through
Updated "Fly Through" of the new Church as of November 1st, 2023
Computerized Fly through
of New Church
Here is an updated "Fly Through" of the New Church. It takes you around the outside of the Church with the new "car port", as well as a fly through of the inside showing some of the color choices and decor in the Sanctuary and Gathering area inside the church (as of November 1st, 2023).
Week 1
Vision Video
Introduction to
Forward Capital Campaign
This video talks about our rich history proclaiming God's Word for well over a century here in Kewaskum. But it also shows why we feel it's necessary to look forward to building a new Church that will accommodate everyone who wants to come to worship, bible study and enjoy fellowship with other servants in Christ.
Fly Through Video
Computerized Fly through
of New Church
This is a computerized "fly through" of the proposed new Church and grounds. It takes you around the outside of the Church, as well as a fly through of the inside as well showing us the vision of the Sanctuary built for Lutheran Worship, Worship Space, Bible study room, Gathering space, and back patio.
Week 2
Brian and Teresa Dreher
An Interview with Brian & Teresa
In this video we will meet Brian and Teresa Dreher who discuss their family history here at St. Lucas. They also discuss their Mother Blanche Dreher, who passed after the filming of this video. They discuss how difficult it can be for our older members and guests to access the church or use the facilities. It also shows how a new Church Building will solve all of those accessaility problems we face with the current Church Building.
​Forward in Christ Booklet
An 8 Page Booklet explaining Our Vision going Forward
This 8 page booklet will give you an explanation about our vision moving Forward with the New Church Campaign. This booklet also explains the design ideas for the different areas of the Church, and gives the reader computer renderings so you can more easily visualize what the new Church might look like. There is also a Q&A section that may answer questions you have.
Week 3
Mike and Audra Beyer
An Interview with Mike and Audra
Mike and Audra Beyer talk about moving here to Kewaskum in 1997, and how they transferred to St. Lucas and entered their two girls here at St. Lucas School. They talk about how they grew up here, getting a great Christian education that has given them a strong foundation of faith, which has led them through their lives serving Christ.
​Forward in Christ Two Page Leaflet
A two page leaflet that quickly summarizes Our Vision Moving Forward
"They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer...And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." (Acts 2:42,47 NIV)
This 2 page leaflet will briefly explain our Vision Moving Forward here at St. Lucas Church.
The 5 p's
A leaflet showing the " 5 P's to A Good Commitment Decision
This leaflet shows the 5 P's to a Good Commitment Decision. Prayer, Personal, Proportional, Pleasing and Peace. Each is also accompanied by related selection of Scripture.
Commitment Card
The Commitment Card that will give you the chance to contribute financially towards our vision of Moving Forward
"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:7
Week 4
Steve Wolter
Steve talks about what he's found in Bible study at St. Lucas
In this video we meet Steve Wolter who tells us his story about his family moving to Kewaskum and joining St. Lucas. He discusses how he would always read the Bible and God's word, but he didn't really understand it until he started to attend the weekly Bible studies here at St. Lucas. He talks about the welcoming atmosphere here and how he has found a great peace in understanding the word and serving at St. Lucas.
Commitment Card
Starting Next Saturday and Sunday (February 18 & 19th), the Commitment Card that will give you the chance to contribute financially towards our vision of Moving Forward will begin to be collected at Church Service and The School Office.
Week 5
Wrap-Up Video
In this final video, we will revisit the various necessities and needs that we have as a congregation to build a new church. To Move St Lucas Forward.
In this last video we summarize the challenges we now face as a congregation to gather around God's Word and the Sacraments. Our church, which has served us and the community well for over 100 years, is falling apart. We care about where we worship, where we hear God's word and why we need a new Church Building that is accessible and welcoming to all. Its gonna take all of us, but we can get it done! We can move St Lucas Forward together.
Car Port
Renderings of the New Car Port
With the proposed new Car Port, visitors will be able to drop and pick up their friends and families in the front of the Church without getting wet from rain or snow.